
Environmental Conservation

Support Environmental Conservation and Climate Resilience Climate change is already contributing to declining populations of honeybees and other bee species. According to the Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment Sector Development Plan for 2015/16-2019/20 indicated that Uganda’s most valuable natural resources such as water, forest, wildlife and most importantly human activities are increasingly impacting upon by climate change especially through droughts, floods, storms, heat waves and landslides. The impacts have had serious effects on agricultural production, food incomes, health status and livelihoods. The combined effect of climate change impacts on agriculture, water, ecosystems, energy and health is greatly affecting poverty reduction programmes in the country. In Bukedi sub-region there is high population pressure on land for agriculture and settlement that has resulted into destruction of ecosystem and deforestation. As trees are being cut and prolonged drought period, there is increasing reduction of bee population in the area leading to reduction in bee products and also attracting artificial approaches of beekeeping which is not healthy. This has resulted to low production and productivity and poor quality of honey and other bee products affecting the Income levels of beekeepers and other farmers. Bukedi sub-region has numerous wetlands covering 20% of the total areas and in some districts, close to 75% of the area is comprised of wetland (https;// However, the wetlands have been encroached by rice growers and settlements yet wetlands used to be the main source of water for domestic use and livestock which are drying up, the reduced wetland coverage has resulted in flooding, prolonged dry spells, raising temperatures, reduced production and lose of biodiversity. BuBA Does the following: Plant wetland friendly trees for fodder bank and bee forage Conduct community sensitization and engagement platforms on the need to conserve and protect wetlands Influence the policy makers to enforce the existing wetland policy framework and also develop the bylaws and ordinances geared towards wetland conservation Identification and training of Community Resource Persons (CoRPs) on Environmental Conservation practices. Formation and training Environmental protection and conservation Clubs in schools. Establishment of Community-based tree nursery beds in targeted areas for fodder bank plants, bee forage and agro forestry seedlings Distribution of tree seedlings to community members and institutions

$100 raised of $25654